Thursday, May 17, 2012


We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Drag even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Drag in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Cl V (m/S) Cd S (m^) Density (Kg/m) Cdo Dp (N/m) Di (N/m) Dt (N/m)

1.4 6 0.1574 6.8 0.8776 0.0 41.551 18.65 64.04

1. 0.16 6.8 0.8776 0.0 506.47 1580.16 086.66

1 4 0.05 6.8 0.8776 0.0 615.67 14.001 14.64

0.8 48 0.0716 6.8 0.8776 0.0 767.017 106.85 181.055

0.6 55 0.054 6.8 0.8776 0.0 1007.85 785.685 17.68

0.4 67 0.0404 6.8 0.8776 0.0 144.778 518.187 01.68

0. 5 0.06 6.8 0.8776 0.0 005.06 60.451 65.658


· Cl = Coefficient of Lift

· V = Velocity

· Cd = Coefficient of Drag

· S = Surface Area of Wing

· Di = Induced Drag

· Dp = Profile Drag

· Dt = Total Drag

Calculation of one point

Using Data points CL = 1.4

V = 6 m/s

CD = 0.0 + 0.065 CL²

Therefore Cdo = 0.0

K = 0.065

Dp = 0.5 ñ V² S Cdo

= 0.5(0.8)(6²)(7)(0.0)

= 41.55 N/m ________________ (Profile Drag)


· ñ = 0.8 kg/m³

· S = 7 m²

Di = 0.5 ñ V² S K CL²

= 0.5(0.8)(6²)(0.065)(1.4²)

= 18.65 N/m ________________ (Induced Drag)

DT = Dp + D I

= 41.55 + 18.65

= 64. N/m _________________ (Total Drag)

Drag Bucket

The ‘Drag Bucket’ is also known as the total drag curve. It is called this because as with a bucket the total drag curve decreases, gets to a minimum point then increases beyond this point, hence looking like a bucket.

The ‘Drag Bucket’ illustrates how at low speeds the most influential factor on an aircraft in terms of drag is the induced drag. This means that at low speeds the shape of the aircraft is not the most limiting factor, but rather the side effects of creating lift, i.e., induced drag creates the most penalties on an aircraft.

The minimum point on the ‘Drag Bucket’ corresponds to the speed to be flown for minimum drag. This means the speed that will give the aircraft the best range.

As the speed increases beyond the point of minimum drag the total drag increases. This means that profile drag is starting to become the most influential factor to do with the aircraft in terms of drag. This means if the aircraft is to be flown faster than this point streamlining and skin friction becomes an important factor, i.e., profile drag.

Mind that the sample papers like Drag presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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