Friday, May 4, 2012

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Throughout the medieval period, the anonymous fourteenth century poet truly showed the meaning of a medieval romance in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Many elements are to be understood in order to get the most out of reading the poem. The author gave us thorough and detailed visions in the poem that taught us and at the same time, delighted our senses. So, throughout the entire poem the Gawain poet does a superb job at teaching and delighting our senses.

Sir Gawain delights us with his actions as he performs true examples of chivalry and courtesy. Throughout the first fit, Sir Gawain shows us his bravery in stepping up to the Green Knight’s challenge. As he takes the axe away from King Arthur, he teaches us the importance of withholding our pacts and promises and at the same time shows his utmost bravery. Sir Gawain agrees to the Green Knight’s pact and takes advice from King Arthur with all respect “ ‘Cousin, take care,’ said the King, ‘To chop once, / And if you strike with success, certainly I think / You will take the return blow without trouble in time’ ” (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight I/17/7-74). The author does not fail to delight us with a bit of unexpected supernatural violence as well. After Gawain gave his deadly blow to the knight, no one in Arthur’s court expected for the knight to even be alive and let alone reiterate the terms of the pact in which Gawain will eventually fulfill.

Along with all the author’s taught insights that help us understand the poem more thoroughly, come great details that delight the reader and provide much entertainment. One element of the seven that best entertains us is “woman as temptation.” Lord Bertilak’s young lady was thought by all to be the most beautiful woman to walk the earth. With this is mind, she was quite seductive in her ways and tempted the good Sir Gawain under the authority of Lord Bertilak himself. With such a climatic event of the last fit, Gawain is informed by the Green Knight that he was deceivingly tricked “And the wooing by my wife � my work set it on / I instructed her to try you and you truly seem / to be the most perfect paladin ever to pace the earth” (IV/5/61-6). With such a quote spoken by the Green Knight, earlier identified as Lord Bertilak, we the readers are fully entertained to see the true identity of the Green Knight and the reaction that comes about Sir Gawain as well. Another climatic event that occurs, actually follows after Gawain took the blow from the Green Knight and found out the dealings between him and the fine lady. Gawain is highly praised by the Green Knight for not giving into the seductive temptations his wife pressed upon him. As this event was aimed to please the reader, it can inconsequently be used to teach us the moral ways of life. We can keep in mind that Gawain obeyed the rules of courtesy to the fullest and his actions and etiquette towards women were exceptional. This fine example of entertainment was used in both ways by the author.

Being the reader of this insightful poem, the challenges faced by the young hero, Sir Gawain, can basically be understood easily by all. The author does an excellent job at teaching and delighting our senses.

Mind that the sample papers like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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