Saturday, March 31, 2012

Active and Passive Euthanasia

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Active and Passive Euthanasia even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Active and Passive Euthanasia in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Advocates of euthanasia and their opponents frequently explore the distinction between active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia is an act of killing; in contrast, passive euthanasia is the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment, or allowing a person to die. Supporters of euthanasia, generally argue that there is no morally relevant distinction between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ euthanasia, as death is the ultimate goal of both. The manner of death is what they oppose. I intend to explore the moral significance of this distinction and demonstrate that ‘passive’ euthanasia is primarily in correspondence with a patient’s right to refuse treatment, endorsing the moral permissibility of passive euthanasia only in certain circumstances. Death being a consequence of exercising this right is merely convenient to the terminally ill. I will endeavor to illustrate that there seems to be an increasing amount of social approval for our right to refuse life-sustaining treatment specifically to hasten death in certain circumstances. I believe this then opens the door to the moral permissibility of active euthanasia in similar circumstances also.

The Oxford dictionary definition of euthanasia states its meaning as ‘a gentle and easy death’. Euthanasia is derived from the Greek language; eu means ‘good’ and thanatos means ‘death’. In order to get to the fundamental meaning of the word, it is necessary to stipulate that any candidate for euthanasia must have a painful and terminal illness. The death must be assisted and must be for the sake only of the person considered.

James Rachels questions the moral distinction between active and passive euthanasia. He asserts in the case of a terminally ill patient, who dies as a consequence of refusing life-sustaining treatment, killing the patient would not be morally worse. He states, “If a doctor lets a patient die, for humane reasons, he is in the same moral position as if he had given the patient a lethal injection for humane reasons”. Rachels believes it absurd that it is not morally permissible to administer a lethal injection to relieve the pain and suffering that a patient invariably experiences after the decision has been made to discontinue life- sustaining medical care.

One crucial aspect which Rachels fails to consider, is that it is the patients ‘right’ to refuse treatment. This should not be confused with a doctor’s decision to discontinue treatment, as the decision is made solely by the patient for his own ends. For example, I can refuse to have invasive surgery opting instead to be treated by medication (where applicable). It is not my intention to hasten death; I am merely exercising my right to refuse treatment.

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This becomes problematic when the intention behind the refusal of treatment is specifically to hasten death. Consider a terminally ill patient suffering intense pain with no reasonable hope of relief or the disease being cured. He refuses treatment that cannot help him but can only prolong his agonizing existence. It may be argued that consistency demand that, by complying with a patient’s request to cease life-sustaining treatment, patients in similar circumstances have a right to decide to end life and obtain assistance in doing so.

I agree with Bonnie Steinbock’s assertion that “The right to refuse treatment is not itself a ‘right to die’; that one may choose to exercise this right even at the risk of death or even in order to die, is irrelevant.” To extend our interpretation of our right to bodily self-determination to include a right to die would be a huge extension to our right to non-interference from others. Rachels appeal for consistency demands that as we do have a right to refuse treatment, we then have to agree that we also have a right to be killed.

The practical consequences of such a move in this argument would be most inappropriate, as it would leave room for gross manipulation of the ultimate intention of those who support euthanasia. For instance, if my right to refuse treatment included a right to be killed, I could abstain from treatment for an initially non-life threatening condition such as appendicitis. It may then become life threatening, and I could then demand (as consistency allows) that I be killed by lethal injection. This may be because I am depressed, I may feel life is no longer worth living, but not have the capacity or the inclination to commit suicide. This I imagine would be totally unacceptable even to the most enthusiastic supporters of euthanasia. It is a consequence that is morally impermissible, and thus I doubt would be the intention of those wishing to ease the pain and suffering of those who are genuine candidates for euthanasia.

My right to refuse life-sustaining medical care does not include a right to intentionally end my life. I have a right only to bodily self-determination, which is primarily a right to be left alone. Steinbock believes that the fact that death may occur, because of refusing treatment, is irrelevant. I propose that it should be recognized as a fortunate convenience to the terminally ill. For example, If as a consequence of my withdrawal from medical care I hasten my otherwise long and painful death (even if my intention is to hasten my death), surely this should be seen as a convenient blessing, which holds no moral implications or obligations for any person other than myself. It is a fortunate consequence to be able to use my right to bodily self-determination, for my own ends, or more specifically for hastening my death. Far from being irrelevant, it is therefore a very relevant factor to be considered.

I feel that there seems to be an increasing amount of social approval and sympathy for those intending to shorten their lives by ceasing treatment in certain circumstances. For example, take the person who has suffered years of intense and unbearable pain as a consequence of a long and drawn out incurable illness, which is treatable only by measures that increase discomfort of the sufferer. The treatment has no other benefit but to prolong existence. The person is completely non-functional with the exception of being conscious and aware. Conscious and aware only of a life of intolerable pain, this could take weeks, months or even years to expire with the continuation of treatment. In this instance and similar situations where death would come as a great relief to these people, I believe that the right to discontinue treatment, specifically to hasten death, would be granted the moral approval of most people.

However, when treatment is discontinued, it may nevertheless take days, weeks or months of insufferable pain for death to occur naturally. In this instance and similar circumstances, once the initial decision to die has been made by the patient, would it not be more humane to assist the patient by administering a lethal injection that would achieve death instantly and painlessly?

Some may find my proposal of this inconsistent with my assertion that we do not have any right to die, and we certainly have no right to be killed. However, I merely seek to illustrate that there seems to be some kind of moral approval for allowing a person to die in some instances. I question as to whether this could leave the door open to the moral permissibility of providing an option of assisted death to a patient in similar circumstances. It is not my intent to advocate that in all cases where a patient may refuse life-sustaining treatment, it is desirable to provide an option of assisted death. As I demonstrated earlier, this may be easily perverted and as a result have very unfortunate practical consequences.

I aim only to show that in some extreme instances it may be more humane to actively end a life. We do not think twice when we relieve a disabled horse of a painful existence, yet we become excessively cautious (with good reason) when we contemplate the moral permissibility of assisting the death of a person. I assert that where a person is in insufferable pain, which cannot be relieved or cured, the option of a ‘gentle and easy’ death may be provided, and may be morally permissible.

In conclusion, advocates of active euthanasia who appeal to the basic consistency argument, demand that if we can allow people to die, we can then transfer to the moral permissibility of killing them. However, the right to refuse treatment is not a right to die. We do have a right to non-interference even if exercising this right may hasten death. Death being a consequence of our right to bodily self-determination should be viewed as fortunate side effect to those who are suffering from painful and incurable illnesses. There seems to be some kind of social approval for using our right to non-interference for our own ends, particularly to hasten death in extreme cases of suffering. This I believe leaves open the possibility of the moral permissibility of providing the option of assistance in similar cases. I argue for the permissibility of active euthanasia in extreme cases. However, I do recognize that strict guidelines would need to be followed to prevent the process being perverted and to ensure that genuine candidates for euthanasia are given the option of a dignified, pain free death.


Foot, Philippa. ‘Euthanasia’, Applying Ethics, Ed. Olsen, J. and Barry, V.

(Wadsworth Inclusive, 185), pp. 18-.

Gay-Williams, J. ‘The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia’, Applying Ethics, Ed.

Olsen, J. and Barry, V. (Wadsworth Inclusive, 185), pp. 11-1.

Rachels, James. ‘Active and Passive Euthanasia’, Applied Ethics, Ed. Singer,

Peter. (Oxford University Press, 186), pp. -5.

Singer, Peter. ‘Taking Life Humans’, Practical Ethics, (Cambridge

University Press, 1), Ch.7, pp. 175-17.

Steinbock, Bonnie. ‘The Intentional Termination of Life’, Killing and Letting

Die, (Englewood Cliffs Prentice Hall, 180), Ch.1, pp. 650-654.

Mind that the sample papers like Active and Passive Euthanasia presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Friday, March 30, 2012

The man from the moon

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like The man from the moon even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like The man from the moon in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Certainty at last! So many nights my body has begged for sleep but my mind has not been indulgent. The hours I have daydreamed away pondering infinite possibilities. But now finally, I know exactly what I want to do. I want to study law and practice in the field of international law.

The strangest part is, I have been following this path all along. I studied languages, traveled exhaustively and interested myself in all legal issues. Everyone I know has suggested law school at least once. “You would be such a great lawyer”, is a phrase that I often heard all too often. Yet, I never wanted to make such a commitment without really being sure.

When I was hired by the French government to teach English I knew it was a wonderful opportunity, but not a career. It is for that very reason that I reluctantly declined their request to return for a second year. Upon returning to the United States I tried my hand in everything from restaurant management to coaching tennis, but nothing seemed to fit.

So, I would stay up at night wondering why I could not decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I imagined myself in thousands of different careers yet; I could make up my mind with any degree of certainty. My family would tell me “You can accomplish anything you set your mind to”. Yet, somehow that clich� is rather discouraging whey you cannot find anything to set your mind to.

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Then all of a sudden I knew. No, I did not want to go to law school just because everyone said that I should. I wanted to start a career in an area that encompassed all of my interests and fortes. For so long I searched for a career that incorporated my knowledge of different languages and cultures as well as my interest in legal issues. It is amazing that I did not figure it out earlier. A career in international law fits.

Fortunately, all of my belaboring is now in the past. Interestingly enough, I do not feel as if I have made a decision. Rather, I am continuing on the path that I started on long ago. Now my days are filled with purpose in place of reveries, and I am sleeping much better at night.

Certainty at last! After many sleepless nights and many hours of anxious daydreaming, I finally know what I want to do. I want to become a lawyer and practice international law. Without even realizing it, I have spent most of my professional life preparing to be a lawyer. Almost all my teachers and friends have suggested that I go to law school. I studied languages, traveled extensively and interested myself in legal issues. I frequently heard people say, “You would be such a great lawyer!” Still, I was not certain.

Last year, I was hired by the French government as an English teacher. I had a wonderful time in France, but I sensed that my career was not in education. I declined the school’s request to return for a second year. Upon returning to the United States, I kept searching for my professional calling. I experimented with many different kinds of jobs, from restaurant management to tennis coaching, but nothing seemed to fit.

So I stayed up at night wondering why I could not decide upon a profession. I imagined myself in many different careers, but I could not make a decision. My family would tell me, “You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.” Although I appreciated this bit of encouraging advice, it rang hollow since I did not yet know what I wanted to accomplish.

One night, I realized that what my friends and family had been telling me all along was exactly right. I wanted to start a career which would allow me to capitalize on my intellectual interests and strengths foreign languages and cultures, travel, international policy, and history. Indeed, a career in international law suits me well.

Now that I plan to become a lawyer, I do not feel as though I have completely changed directions. Rather, I am continuing on the path that I started on long ago. I have abandoned the old fears about my future, and I am determined to live up to my vocation.

Go back to top.

Mind that the sample papers like The man from the moon presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The End Of Wars

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like The End Of Wars even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like The End Of Wars in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The End Of War is a historical fiction book. The book takes place during world war two, and describes several real events that took place during this time period with the use of fictional characters. The book jumps around from side to side. For example it tells the life of the people living in Berlin at the time, then how the soldiers in the Russian red army and the American army fought against the German’s. The book also uses great detail to explain to the reader how the governments where cohering with each other to find a resolution to the war and create a united nations, to keep peace.

The beginning of the book tells how the Russians fought vigorously to move the Germans off of their soil. After the Russians succeeded they just couldn’t stop there, they had to take Berlin, the grand prize. The Americans joined in on the war efforts as well as the British to attempt to stop the Germans cruel treatments toward the Jews and other prisoners. Fighting for both sides was very intense and of course there were many casualties. In Berlin Freya a German lady trades her body for food to help feed an elderly Jewish history teacher who is taking refuge in her basement. People living in Berlin had a very rough life at this time, living each day off of food stamps which allowed them to only buy a certain amount of food at a time. If people finished their food off before they received more stamps they would simply go hungry and very possibly die. In the end it’s the Russians who invade Berlin without the Americans who have backed off along with the British. The book says that when the Russians invaded Berlin their soldiers raped three hundred thousand of its women.

The author uses lots of historical evidence to tell what has happened during world war two. For example the author tells about how the Germans treated the Jews, by putting them to work in camps and executing them in death camps later to be disposed of in mass graves. The story also tells how the German women were raped by the Russian soldiers after they had invaded and how the Americans foolishly backed away from invading Berlin along with the Russians.

The Books arguments are very convincing; even though it isn’t based on real characters most events in the books really did take place. I think the author used great wording to describe what was going on in the heads of the president, prime minister and Stalin when they where discussing their moves to invade Germany. For example the author made it seem as though you really where and audience in the book giving you the illusion that the scenes taking place where in fact really taking place, which made the book kind of interesting.

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All in all I feel I feel that The End Of Wars was a great book and an easy read. I would definitely want to read it again if I hadn’t already done so. The book has taught me many new things about world war two that I hadn’t known about such as the whole Stalin invading Berlin. In all my years of Hebrew school and history class all of my teachers have failed to tell me about what Stalin and his soldiers did to the civilians of Berlin, which this book has informed me of.

Mind that the sample papers like The End Of Wars presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

essay on the great gatsby

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like essay on the great gatsby even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like essay on the great gatsby in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Nick Carraway A True Blue Narrator

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays many different situations through the narrator Nick Carraway. Nick is an honest and trustworthy character, even though he is surrounded by selfish, rich people. The opportunities for Nick to see both sides of many circumstances are shaded by his lack of knowledge and appearance. Although Nick Carraway is Daisy’s cousin and lives next door to Gatsby, he misses out on critical events that may change the thoughts of readers; for these reasons Nick seems to be the best narrator for the job, but not a perfect one.

Nick’s absence and lack of knowledge in the 117’s scenes leaves the reader with only one point of view of what really happens. There are many flashbacks brought to Nick’s attention during the course of the novel by Gatsby and Jordan. The characters, Gatsby and Jordan, reveal the flashbacks through their memories from five years ago, allowing the source to be less reliable. For example, Gatsby tells Nick of the love that he obtains for Daisy through his courting of her before the war. Gatsby also tells Nick that they were madly in love, and she was waiting for him to return home. Jordan, on the other hand, explains to Nick the circumstances surrounding Daisy and Gatsby’s relationship. Jordan allows the reader to view deeper into Daisy’s thoughts on why exactly she didn’t wait for Gatsby after the war. As Jordan continues to tell Nick vital information during the course of the novel, the reader begins to think of Daisy as a rich snob. According to Jordan, rich woman are not to be seen or even thought of being married to poor men, explaining why Daisy doesn’t wait on Gatsby. Jordan also tells Nick how Daisy doesn’t actually want to marry Tom Buchanan, but under the conditions she must go through with the marriage. At the last moment Daisy says, “Tell ‘em all Daisy’s change’ her mind”, even though she has her doubts she marries Tom the next day (Fitzgerald 81). Also, a key fact in Jordan telling the stories is that she lies and seems to stretch the truth to make her best friend, Daisy, seem better than she actually is in real life. Besides, without Nick being present during this time, the reader must leave Daisy’s thoughts and further actions to their imagination, or try and trust two unworthy characters, Gatsby and Jordan.

The draw backs of having Nick as the narrator during 1 are the absence of him during key scenes. Although Nick tries his best to be involved with many of the characters, as the novel progresses he can’t be there for every second in the day. For example, Nick is shut out of the conversation between Jordan and Gatsby this is where the reader first grasp the true intentions of Jay Gatsby, which is to rekindle his old flame, Daisy. This leads up to the next scene that Nick misses- the reunion of Daisy and Gatsby. As the two’s eyes meet Nick quickly interrupts to say, “I’ll be back” as he exits the room leaving the reader lost , and anxiety to see what happens next (Fitzgerald ). The conversation between the two of these characters is a critical event that should not have been left untold. The last important event that Nick is not present to over hear or even see is when Daisy runs over Myrtle coming home form downtown New York. The readers are left wondering why Daisy didn’t stop to check on Myrtle, or even the conversation between Gatsby and Daisy as they continued the ride home with the fresh scent of blood on Gatsby’s car. Nick is only told afterwards that Daisy was extremely upset and didn’t see Myrtle until it was too late to stop.

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Despite Nick’s flaws as narrator, his attitude allow the reader to get a better inside look on different situations faced by him and other. As Nick begins to tell the story of his life at West Egg, he says, “In consequence I’m inclined to reserve all judgment…” (Fitzgerald 5). The reader therefore comes to the conclusion that Nick’s tale is one of honesty and integrity. Nick is able to witness many events first hand due to the location of his cottage directly in front of Gatsby’s white mansion. Not only does Nick become good friends with Gatsby, he is also Daisy’s loyal cousin, resulting in him to be trusted and associate with the other characters more frequently. Gatsby opens up to Nick and tells him key details about his life such as he was in the war, he attended Oxford, and became wealthy through the death of his parents. Nick, who is given this information, helps to acknowledge that Gatsby isn’t what he seems and lies to impress others. Also, Nick is trusted to set up the vital meeting of Gatsby and Daisy, which gives Nick the opportunities to have many conversations with the two characters. Nick is able to go with Tom as well to see Myrtle, and this lets the reader see a different side of Tom as he strikes Myrtle and breaks her nose. Another essential event is when Nick is allowed the chance to listen in on the conversations between Tom and Gatsby fighting over the hand of Daisy. This is a major turning point in the novel, and helps the reader to understand how shallow and money hungry Daisy as well as other women in the 10’s seem to be during this time. Nick is invited to many activities that give him the chances and details needed to explore the thoughts and actions of the many characters, allowing him to be a strong narrator in certain situations.

The Great Gatsby is one of the many classics around in today’s literature. This book is brought to young reader’s attention through an honest and tolerant man named Nick Carraway. Nick’s many acquaintances push him to the limit from their lies and dishonesty throughout the entire novel. Nick tries his best to patch the lost pieces of the story together, but there are still holes that have to be filled. Even though Nick misses out on important detail of the novel, he is the best narrator available to discuss the truth, as well as the true nature of the main characters. Even though the novel is told in only one point of view through Nick’s eyes, it is the best that could be done due to the circumstances of the crowd that he allows himself to be associated with. Nick is the best narrator for the task of revealing everyone’s thoughts and actions, and allowing nothing but the truth to surface.

Mind that the sample papers like essay on the great gatsby presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Speech 1000

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Speech 1000 even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Speech 1000 in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.


I. Attention Getter Did you know that the even before the microscope invention, a man had once said that there are “living thing,” germs in water. (Kinh Phat the teaching of Buddha”bible”) Do you believe in reincarnation?

II. Establish Credibility After further researches, I understand the realms of life. The 5 realms that normal human follows are goddess, higher human, human, animal, and the devil or “spirit of the death.” Life is a cycle, and it depends on how one lives their life that would determine the realm in which they will reincarnate into.

III. Thesis Statement and Preview of Main Points Buddhism deals with the everyday concerns, how to live a fulfilling life and how to maintain peace among oneself and the world. To reach the end of human suffering, is to reach the Enlightened Stage. I hope that you would have a better understanding of Buddhism after my speech.

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I. Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha “Enlightened One,” was born in the sixth century B.C. in what is now modern Nepal.

A. Buddha was a prince that left the throne and given up to an extravagant life, newborn son and wife in search for “Enlightenment,” ways to relieve the universal suffering. (

1. Birth

. Age

. Illness

4. Death

B. Siddhartha found Enlightenment after six years of studying and practicing all types of meditations from various religious teachers. (http/

1. Enlightened under the Bodhi-tree at Bodh Gaya.

. After Enlightened, he spent all his remaining life teaching Dhama.

. It’s to believe that only after one had enlightened, then he/she would not have to go through the 5 realms of life. But yet, they had always transform oneself into another being to help other to reach the enlightened stage to escape the 5 realms of life.

C. Buddhism in today world. (RangDong )

1. Mainly practice in the Eastern Hemisphere and it is the primary religion for most of Asian country today.

. Buddhism is still not a strong believe in the Western Hemisphere.

Transition Now that we have obtained a brief history about Buddha and Buddhism, I would like to share some personal observations that I had learned from the Buddhist family and Buddhist writings.

II. When does the Buddhist have meditates “prayers”

A. Ceremonial meditates each Saturday or Sunday at noon.

B. At any special gathering.

C. Major religious holidays, usually on holidays, the meditations starts at 11pm instead of at noon like regular meditation hour.

D. When a monk arrive from another temple.

E. Meditates for the soul of the death, so that they can reincarnate faster and less painful if any.

III. The everyday life of the Monks.

A. Meditations

B. Non-meat meal, vegetarian.

C. No fancy clothing, just an orange rope.

IV. The benefits of Meditations.

A. Clear and relaxes one’s mind, help the brain to function more efficient. When on mind is clear and not have any hatred toward the anyone else or at the world, then we would have a peaceful world without any competitions.

B. At higher stages, one can have certain power that is not explainable by scientific terms.

1. Able to make oneself appears in multiple forms, invisible, able to go from one realm of life to another, walk on water, fly through air (crouching tiger hidden dragon), and to travel unfathomable distances at will. This is consider as truly reached the enlightened stage of Buddhism. (http//


I. Review Believe in Buddha, he will show you the path to Enlightenment. After Enlightenment, you are a Buddha yourself, you have escaped the pain of life, which is the 5 realms of life.

II. Restatement of the Thesis an Reference Back to Introduction The Enlightened Stage help you to escape the pain of birth, age, illness, and death. Buddha will help you through meditation.

III. Closing Device/Attention Getter Ma Mo A Di Da Phat, Na Mo Bon Su Thich Ka Mo Ni Phat, Na Mo Dai Tu Dai Bi Quan The Am Bo Tat. Small meditations.

Mind that the sample papers like Speech 1000 presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Monday, March 26, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like To Kill a Mockingbird even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like To Kill a Mockingbird in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus teaches and what he teaches are the most important things. Atticus, Scout’s dad, represents what is right and wrong in our world. He is a model that Scout looks at in order to know what to do.

In “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Atticus is the one who she looks up to and whom she turns to when she doesn’t know what to do. Throughout the novel, Atticus teaches Scout many things about life. One example of a lesson that he taught Scout was, “… it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn’t hurt you”(108). Atticus says this after Scout asked him about Walter Cunningham calling him a “nigger lover.” Atticus dealt with the insult by explaining to Scout that it is worse to call someone a name then to be called one. Scout was able to understand this lesson because Atticus explained it in a way that was simple. Also, Atticus shows Scout that it is worse to call someone a name when he is called a “nigger lover.” He showed Scout that the name didn’t effect or hurt him, but it showed that Walter wasn’t such a good person.

Another time that Atticus taught Scout an important lesson about life was when Atticus makes the point to Scout that, “You never really understand a person until you’ve considered things from his point of view � until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”(0). Atticus explains this to Scout after he sees that she is judging Arthur Radley and Walter Cunningham. He wants her to see that everyone has their own reasons for doing things. If Scout were to see why Radley stays in the house, then she would understand why he is never seen in public. If she were to see where Walter lives and how his life is, then she would understand why he doesn’t have much money and why, for example, he poured tons of molasses all over his food when he came for lunch one day. All of these lessons, Atticus feels, are essential for Scout to learn and know why it isn’t right to judge people. He wants her to grow up to become a good and moral adult.

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All throughout Scout’ life, she was always influenced by Atticus and saw him as the good in this world. Throughout the novel, Atticus tries to teach Scout lessons about life and Scout seems to follow through with what Atticus teaches her. Scout has always looked up to Atticus and has always trusted him so what he had to teach, she would learn. When Aunt Alexandra comes into her life with new life lessons to learn, she was able to see that they weren’t what Atticus was trying to teach her for years so maybe they weren’t essential.

Throughout the novel, Atticus is an influence in Scout’s life and a strong one at that. Atticus, being a symbol of what was right, had a good and positive effect on Scout and so Scout would learn and take advice from Atticus, from the guy who symbolizes right in this world.

Mind that the sample papers like To Kill a Mockingbird presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!


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Anglo- Saxons and the Middle Ages

The invasion of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes in 44, marked the beginning of English history. After dubbing their newfound territory “Angle-Land,” the Germanic invaders started to form small kingdoms within this territory. During the 8th and th centuries most of England had fallen to other Germanic invaders. However in 878 Alfred, the Saxon King, recaptured most of the lost English land as well as London. Alfred’s son and grandson would later win back all of England and set the county at peace. After King Edward died, the Duke of Normandy would lay claim to the English throne. The outcome at the Battle of Hastings would give England a new king, William I. As England moved into the Middle Ages, food and fashion became a definition of status. Noble women wore pointed headdresses, men wore liripipes, and children wore miniature versions of adult clothes. Farmers and the like were forbidden by law to wear anything but a cheap cloth or blanket. The wealthy people ate many fattening foods, while the common ate high fiber products. Art at the time was expressed mainly in the architecture and the manuscripts. For entertainment people would watch knights and talented people perform. As the English language evolved from old English to Middle English, the process of writing also changed. In 1476, Caxton created England’s first printing press bringing the Middle Ages to an end.

English Renaissance

During the Renaissance, England went through many changes in its politics, economy, art, and religion. Discoveries about the universe and the human body would revolutionize the way people viewed the world. However, it was the advances in theatre and poetry that would come to classify the English Renaissance. Dramas written by Marlowe, Shakespeare, and other popular playwrights, were enjoyed and attended by all levels of society. However, due to their non-religious subject matter, these theatres were forced to close by the Puritan Parliament in 164. During this time poetry would gain a foothold in English literature. The advent of chapbooks and an increase in postal lines allowed poetry to reach a large number of people, one of the main reasons poetry became so popular. The renaissance ended in 1660.

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Restoration and The Eighteenth Century

The parade of King Charles II signified the beginning of a new era, one that would make up for the strict living of the past. The eighteenth century brought many changes in manufacturing, economy, and society. This era was labeled as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was fueled by numerous discoveries and inventions made by people such as Newton, Hargreaves, and Watt. Due to new jobs created by these discoveries many people began to migrate from their farms into urban communities to look for jobs. Because of the decrease in agriculture, there was a sharp increase in food prices. Often times the high prices caused the poorer classes to riot. Along with changes in food price was also a change in fashion. The dark, heavy clothing that men and women once wore were replaced with light colors and fabrics and the wig, which became a popular style among both men and women. Also at this time a major change in literature took place. Many authors began to switch from writing poetry, which was popular in the renaissance, to writing prose. Writers began to focus on wit and satire rather than love and lust. Rapid changes in the language took place at this time. In effect many authors would begin to form an English system of standardized language.

Mind that the sample papers like Endland presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Ingredients For a GREAT Cake!

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Ingredients For a GREAT Cake! even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Ingredients For a GREAT Cake! in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Has anyone here experienced any following

Been disliked by someone? Been sick?

Had financial troubles? Been car accident?

Been laid off/fired? Operation?

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Lost a good friend? Lost spouse?

Ever wondered What did I do to deserve this? or Why did God

allow this to occur? Why does God allow BAD things to happen to GOOD people?

Answer? That’s the only way to bake a good cake!

A daughter was telling her Mother how badly everything was going… “failing algebra…boyfriend broke up…best friend moving away! Why is all this happening?!”

So happened mother was baking a cake… asked her daughter if she would like some…daughter Absolutely Mom, I love your cake.

Here, have some cooking oil. Yuck says her daughter.

How about a couple raw eggs? Gross, Mom!

Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda? Mom, those are all yucky!

To which the mother replied Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a delicious cake! God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for our good!”

Just as a good cake is made up of ingred. may not taste good alone, a GOOD LIFE often made up of experiences that seem tragic at time!

Thomas Edison�deaf�learned to hear from within!

Fannie Crosby�blind�learned to appreciate God’s other gifts!

My divorce�taught me how much I need God!

Romans 88 …we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Don’t drive self crazy trying figure out why God allows…just let Him finish the cake�Eccles. 78 The end of a thing is better than its beginning…

Mind that the sample papers like Ingredients For a GREAT Cake! presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!


We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Christology even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Christology in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Bernadette Borte


Christology #4

Jesus Christ and Justice & Liberation Christology

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From chapter five, an important aspect that may be derived is that of the christology from above and the christology from below as necessary for a full confession of faith and true justice. Christology from above and below are different patterns of christological thought that contribute to social justice. In the struggle for justice and peace. The moral and the religious converge, and in this struggle is our union with God. The two christologies are not mutally exclusive, in fact both may be necessary to achieve social justice.

Dscending christology (christology from above) is a metaphysical christology. The focus of this christology is on the redemptive incarnation of the eternal Woprd of God, as stated in in text. In this christology the ministry of Jesus is not appealed to, it points to an examination of conscience, and invites people to think about the incernate Word with the humanity and dignity of everyone.This is about the Word become flesh, incarnation. The image of God in humans is restored and thus the story of redemption shapes the church’s wortld mission based on the dignity of each person. We are precious to God because He gave us His only son. So, if Jesus loves humans, and died for all of us, the the church that follows Christ must also be concerned about the promotion of our dignity. Social justice issues such as nuclear wepons, miliary arms race, starvation, expoitation, and pollution of the planet, become important to the church.

Ascending christology (christology from below) is more historically oiriented than the philosopphical descending christology. The mission of the church in both christologies is that it should be patterned after Jesus Christ. This begins with its memories of Jesus of Nzareth on earth and his historical life. It is a christology that is a story of a compassionarte ministry. The risen Lord is a new beginning of the new creation. If we follow the risen Lord, then we must be involved in social justice concerning peacemaking and economic issues. This is because action on behalf of justice is part of faith.

In chapter six the concept of liberation theology is an important point. Liberation theology is reflection on faith from the “underside of history.” This theology drwas on the experiences of systematically opressed and suffering peoples. Some of its characteristics include recognition of the suffering of an opressed group, critical actions done reflectively, and the social nature of people. It has a three step methodology, and in the end it allows us to name Christ as our liberator so that we enter with him into the struggle for justice.

Mind that the sample papers like Christology presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!


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Full AS Notes on Legislation

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Precedent is not suitable to make big changes in the law, nor is it quick or particularly efficient. Judges are also not elected by the people.

1 Acts of Parliament

1. Influences on Parliamentary Law Making

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• Several influences on law making

1. Government Manifesto.

. European Law, Treaty of Rome.

. Law Reform agencies

4. Commissions

1. The Pre Legislative Procedure

• On major matters a Green Paper may be issued by a minister with responsibility for a certain matter.

• The use of green papers began in167.

• A green paper is a consultative document on a topic in which the governments view is put forward with proposals of law reform.

• Other views are then invited to be sent to relevant party.

• A white paper will then be issued outlining the firm proposals for new law.

• Rushing law through in response to incidents ‘knee jerking’ is criticised E.g. Dangerous Dogs Act 11.

1.4 Introducing an Act of Parliament

Most acts of parliament are introduced by the government. These are initially drawn up by civil service lawyers known as Parliamentary Counsel to the Treasury. The instructions on what to add are given by the relevant government department.


• The proposal is published and is called a bill.

• It must go through stages, even at the beginning there are difficulties, the draftsmen must make sure it represents government wishes.

• It must be unambiguous, precise and comprehensive.

• Time important as / set to introduce bill.

Private Members Bills


• Bills can be sponsored by individual M.P.

• Parliamentary process allows for a ballot each session in which 0 private members are selected to take turn in presenting a bill to parliament.

• Usually only on a Friday, so only first 6 -7 have a realistic chance of presenting.

• Not many get passed but some important ones do.

o Abortion act 167

o Marriage Act 14, so marriage in any registered place.

10 Minute rule

• Backbenchers can introduce a bill through the ten minute rule.

• M.p’s can make a speech up to ten minutes supporting the introduction of new legislation.

• Only really successful if no opposition.

• E.g. Bail Amendment Act1, prosecution have right to appeal granting of bail.

Public & Private

• Public Bill involves matters of public policy which will affect whole country or large section.

• Most government bills are in this category, disability discrimination act 15.

• Some bills are not aimed at this; some may affect an individual or corporation.

• E.g. University College London Act 16.

1.5 The Process of Parliament

Bills must usually pass thorough the house of commons and lords. They can start in either house unless they are finance bills which must start in the commons.

They must pass through certain stages

1. first reading; Formal procedure, name and aim of bill read out, vote on continuing bill, no discussion, usually informal vote of Aye or Nay, if clear no formal vote needed. More formal they leave and enter through a certain door.

. Second Reading; Main debate on whole bill, usually focus on main points of bill, must catch speakers eye to speak, at en vote as first.

. Committee stage; Detailed examination of each clause in bill by committee of between 16 � 50 M.p’s. usually called standing committee chosen for particular bill. Parties are represented in proportion to seats; usually some knowledge of area, in finance whole house sits.

4. Report stage; At committee stage amendments to clauses may have been voted, so the committee report back to house. debate, and accept or reject. Thought of as good as it prevents a committee going against wishes of house. Not done if no amendments.

5. Third reading; Formality of final vote. In commons it may be debated again if six M.p’s request it, at H of L they may amend at this stage.

6. House of Lords; If stated in H of C then it passes through same five stages in H of L, any amendments are sent back to commons, if began in H of L then passed over to H of C.

Parliament Acts

• Power of H of L is restricted by Parliament Act 111 and 14.

• This can be used to pass a ill even if H of L says no.

• They H of L’s function is to refine and add to the la rather than oppose the will of the elected house.

• Bill must be re introduced in next session of parliament and must pass through stages again.

• Usually threat is enough though sometimes not, War Crimes Act 11, threat � Sexual Offences Amendment Bill 000, age of consent for males to 16.

7. Royal Assent Monarch formally approves bill, doesn’t even see the bill just a title, last time refused was 1707 by Queen Anne and Scottish Militia Bill.

Commencement of an Act

• Following royal assent it becomes act of parliament at midnight that day unless otherwise stated.

• It is becoming more of a trend not to pass straight away. A date is set or minister to set a date.

• Causes difficulties, Disability Discrimination Act 15, bit by bit.

• Some parts never become Law such as Easter act setting an Easter day.

• As can be seen it is a long process and can take months to pass an act, though can be quick if all agree, Northern Ireland Bill 17 passed in 4 hrs.

1.6 Following the Disability Discrimination Act through legislative stages

1.7 Criticisms of the Legislative Process

• Renton Committee 175 said there where four main areas of complaint

1. Language used in many acts is obscure

. Acts are over elaborate as draftsmen try to provide for every contingency.

. Internal structure of acts was illogical, finding a required bit is difficult.

4. Lack of clear connections between acts, hard to find all acts on a subject. Also habit of amending bits makes it even harder.

• Committee made 81 recommendations only half implemented.


The different date’s acts are brought in means it is hard to know which parts are law and which aren’t. Even the L Chancellor has difficulty.

Other Problems

Many Statutes are amended so two statutes have to be read

• In 1 the report of the Hansard Society Commision underlined 5 principles for democratic law making

1. Laws are made for benefit of citizens and they should be involved.

. Should be exposed to democratic scrutiny.

. Intelligible as possible.

4. Accessible as possible.

5. Getting it right as important as being quick.

If these where followed it would lead to a better quality of the statue book. Codification and consolidation would lead to better accessibility.

1.8 Parliamentary Sovereignty

Parliamentary law is sovereign over all other forms, delegated legislation, precedent, custom or previous act of parliament.

The view that M.P’s participate in the legislative process on behalf of their constituents is too simplistic.

• Mps usually vote on party lines

• Elected on small majority of constituents

• If vote against constituents wishes will be 5 yr before they can be changed.

H of L also un elected as well as civil servant draftsmen.

Delegated Legislation

• Law passed by body other than parliament but with parliamentary consent.

• Powers usually laid down in ‘Parent act’ know as enabling act which creates framework of the law and then delegates the power to others to make law more detailed in that area.

• E.g. Access to Justice Act which gives L Chancellor power to make changes to legal funding scheme.

.1 Types of delegated legislation

Orders in Council

• Queen & Privy council have authority to make orders in council under emergency powers act 10, but only usually used in emergency if parliament are not sitting.

Statutory Instruments

• Ministers and government departments given authority to make regulations for area under their responsibility.

• Use of statuary instruments is a major method of law making, about 000 statutory instruments brought into force each yr.


• Done by local authorities to cover matters within their own areas.

• Byelaws also made by public corporations such as British Airports Authority. E.g. smoking ban.

. Need for delegated Legislation

1. Lack of time for parliament to debate all complex regulations.

. Parliament may lack technical expertise, local knowledge

. Control of Delegated Legislation

• Must be regulation as it is made by unelected bodies and by so many.

Control by Parliament

• Fairly limited though have initial control with enabling act to set parameters within which the delegated legislation is to be made.

• In addition Delegated Powers Scrutiny Committee 1, checks if delegated power was used inappropriately.

• Reports to H of L before committee stage, no power to amend.

Affirmative resolution

• Small amount of startutary instruments will be subject to affirmative resolution.

• Means Statutory instrument does not become law unless approved by parliament

• Will be included in Enabling Act.

• Problem is that parliament cannot amend the statutory instrument only approve, annul or withdraw.

Negative resolution

• Most statutory instruments will be subject to NR. Meaning becomes law unless withdrawn by parliament in 40 days.

Scrutiny Committee

• Joint Select Committee on Statutory Instruments 17 / SC, reviews all statutory instruments and can draw attention of both houses for further consideration.

• The review is technical not on policy.

• The main reasons for referring to H of C is

1. Imposes tax or charge � only elected body has the right.

. Appears to have a retrospective affect not provided for by enabling act.

. Gone beyond powers given in enabling legislation.

4. Unclear or defective I some way.

Control by he courts

• Delegated leg challenged in court if Ultra Vires. I.e. goes beyond powers.

• May be made through judicial review procedure or come up in civil claim.

• Any del leg found to be UV is void. E.g. R v Home secretary ex parte fire brigade union, changes made by HS on CICA where beyond powers given in Criminal Justice Act 188.

• Courts presume unless expressed in enabling act the following are Ultra Vires

• Make unreasonable regulations

• Levy taxes

• Allow sub delegation

• Sts Instruments can be void if procedure is wrong or conflict with European legislation.

Criticisms of the Use of Delegated Legislation

1. Takes law making away from elected. Would be ok if better control over non elected but as seen it is limited. Byelaws ok as they are elected.

. Sub delegation is written by civil servants and merely rubber stamped by ministers.

. Large volume of delegated legislation means it is hard to find what the actual law is. Most done in private non public like parliament.

4. Shares problem of wording with parliament.

Statutory Interpretation

• Cases come before courts due to dispute over meaning of act of parliament.

• Government sometimes includes sections defining key words in the statute.

• Reasons for problems

1. Broad Term

A word which is meant to cover several possibilities � how wide does it go

. Ambiguity

Word which has two meanings.

. Drafting error

May be error in writing which was unnoticed.

4. New development

Old acts may not cover present situation, E.g. Royal College of Nursing v DHSS and abortion.

5. Changes in Language

Words meanings may change.

.1 Literal Approach V Purposive Approach

• Cheeseman case had the judge taking the word passenger to mean exactly what it does, the actual aim of the act was ignored.

• The Purposive approach takes into account the broader meaning.

• Big conflict in stat inter is should judges take purposive or literal approach.

• Should judges examine each word & take the literal approach.

• Or should they understand that it is hard to cater for all meanings.

• European Law uses the purposive approach.

• Criticised by Denning as not defining what each word means but as it is translated into many languages there are not always exact translations.

There are three rules for interpretation which have developed for English law

• Literal Rule

• Golden Rule

• Mischief Rule

Some judges prefer one over another, which can mean very different outcomes depending on the judge. Though formal precedent takes over once a decision has been made.

. The Literal Rule

Court gives word plain, ordinary or literal meaning, even if it leads to an absurdity. Some judges say if the meanings are clear then a judge should not be concerned if the law has made an absurdity.

Case Whitley v Chappell (1868)

Rule said illegal to impersonate anyone entitled to vote; he impersonated a dead man who is obviously not entitled to vote so not guilty.

Case London & North East Railway Co v Berriman (146)

Oiling points, no look out, fatal accidents act said lookout for repair and laying, not maintenance, so no compensation.

Micheal Zander says ‘literal rule is mechanical & divorced form the realities of the use of language.

. Golden Rule

Modification of literal rule courts look at literal meaning but can avoid interpretation that results in absurdity.

There are two views

1. Jones v DPP says if there are two meanings you can choose between them. If only one meaning, then must choose it.

Case R v Allen (187)

Bigamy, marriage could mean legally marrying or joining, as you can’t marry if already married no one would be guilty, so golden rule applied.

. The second and wider application.

If the word has only one meaning that would lead to a repugnant outcome, then the judge can modify the word of the statute to avoid it.

Case Re Sigsworth (15)

Murdered mother and Administration of Estates Act 15 made it clear next of kin would inherit; the golden rule was applied, as a repugnant outcome would result.

.4 The Mischief rule

Definition comes from

Case Heydon (1584)

It said the courts should consider four points.

1. What was the common law before the act?

. what was the mischief and defect the common law did not provide for?

. What was the remedy the parliament hath resolved and appointed to cure the disease of the commonwealth?

4. The True reason of the remedy.

Under the rule the court should look at what law was before the act in order to discover what gap or ‘mischief’ the act was intended to cover. The court should interpret the act to ensure the gap is covered.

Case Smith v Hughes (160)

The street offences act 15 said it was an offence to solicit in a street or public place. They where doing from their balconies or rooms. The judge saw that the mischief was prostitutes harassing people, so the fact they did so on own property is irrelevant.

.5 Rules of Language

Even literal rule does not take individual words out of context with the sentences.

There are a number of rules which have been developed to help make meanings of words and phrases clear where a particular sentence construction has been used.

1. The Ejusdem Rule

If there is a list followed by a general word, e.g. theatre, cinema, bowling alley, then the general word ‘or other places of amusement,’ then it would be unfair to regard the general word as outdoors. If there was just theatre once, then the general word could be an amusement place.

. Expressio Unius Exclusio Alterius ( the mention of one thing excludes the other).

If there is a list of words with no genral one then only the places listed can be covered by the act.

. Noscitur a Sociis (a word is known by the company it keeps.)

Words should be looked at in context to other words in the act. E.g. the word interest used in an act could mean monthly, or yearly etc, but later on it says ‘and other annual interest,’ so it means that it is actually yearly.

.6 Presumptions

Courts will make assumptions or presumptions about the law, though if the statute clearly says the opposite then the presumption is rebutted.

These are the presumptions

1. A presumption against the change in a common law.

Unless an act makes it clear that a common law has been altered then the common law still applies.

. A presumption that mens rea is required in a criminal case.

This means that in order to commit a crime the required intention is needed. In Sweet v Parsley 170 an owner of a building leased it out to cannabis smokers. She did not know. The new act said nothing about the need for knowledge of a criminal event, though mens rea was not specifically rebutted so still stood as common law.

. A presumption that the crown is not bound by any statute unless the statute expressly says so.

4. A presumption that legislation does not apply retrospectively

This means no act of parliament will be back dated, only comes into affect on date stated.

.7 The Unified Approach

How do all the rules fit together? It is said there is a unified approach to interpretation so that

1. Judge should start by using grammatical and ordinary or where appropriate, technical meaning of words

. If thought it could produce absurdity then may apply second meaning

. Judge may read in words in the statute to give meaning to others, limited power to alter add or ignore words to prevent absurd outcome.

4. In applying these rules judge may resort to various aids and presumptions.

This is basically the literal approach and not the purposive approach which some judges tend towards today.

.8 The Purposive Approach

• Goes beyond mischief rule of filling in gap, the judge tries to apply what he thinks parliament where trying to achieve.

• Denning championed this approach. He said he is there to carry out parliaments intentions.

• H of L criticized him as they said we are ruled by parliaments enactments, not by their intentions.

• It is criticised as how can the intention of parliament be found if the words they use are ignored.

European Influences

European law uses the purposive approach and so do many European countries. In the U.K it is basically accepted that purposive approach has to be used when dealing with law emanating from Europe, using it in this way is also making judges more use to it.

. Finding Parliaments Intention

There are certain ways in order to help them with interpretation of statutes and help them find parliaments intention

Intrinsic Aids

• Matters within the statute itself which may help meaning clearer.

• Perhaps long, short title or preamble.

• Sometimes headings before a group of sections may help.

• Marginal notes.

Extrinsic Aids

• Matters outside the act.

• Accepted some external sources can help explain meaning of act

o Previous acts on same topic

o Historic setting

o Earlier case law

o Dictionaries of the time

• Used to be strict that no other extrinsic aid be used, but now three allowed

o Hansard � report of what said in parliament when act debated.

o Reports of law reform bodies which led to passing of act.

o International conventions which have been implemented by English legislation.

Use of Hansard

• Until 1 strict that hansard not be used.

• Denning tried in Davis v Johnson

• H of L said it was wrong as the cut and thrust of debating did not represent government intention.

• In Pepper v Hart 1 H of L said Hansard could be used

• Hansard could be used where the words of an act where ambiguous, obscure or lead to an absurdity.

• Cost and extra time result in the use of Hansard.

Law Reform Reports

• Black Clawson 175 relaxed rules on never using LRR.

• Could be used to find mischief gap.

International Conventions

• Fothergill v Monarch Airlines 180, H of L said the original convention could be considered as it was possible the meaning was lost in translation.

• As other countries are allowed to look at the travaux preparatories or preparatory notes of an international convention, so should we to keep uniformity in the interpretation of international rules.

Explanatory Notes

• Since 18 explanatory notes are produced alongside bills.

• Done by dept responsible for bill.

• Usually explain background, summarise main provisions and if a complicated point, give worked examples.

• Notes get extended as the bill progresses and final version made when becomes statute.

• Potentially new extrinsic aid.

• As the notes are not part of the law it may cause conflict on their use.

• Not yet been a case to use them on.

• Purposive approach judges will like them, not literal approach judges.

.10 Interpretation of European Law

European Union Law

• In regards to European law courts must interpret it according to wording and purpose of the law.

• Treaty of Rome says its all member states duties to take all appropriate emasures to ensure fulfilment of obligations.

.11 Human Rights Act 18

• Section of the Human Rights Act 18 says that legislation should be read and given effect in a way which compatible with the rights in the HRA, this applies to any case where one of the rights is concerned. not applied if no right involved.

• E.g. crime act said life sentence for second serious crime unless exceptional. In R v Offen 001 it was decided the earlier view of exceptional being its general definition was in breach of HRA, if not a danger to public then exceptional.

.1 Conclusion

• View change to purposive and towards extrinsic aids.

• Depends upon individual judge.

Mind that the sample papers like Full AS Notes on Legislation presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

dust bowl

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like dust bowl even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like dust bowl in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

�Dust Bowl” was a phrase given by the people who had to face tough droughts and experience other difficulties during the great depression. The �Dust Bowl Days,” also known as the �Dirty Thirties,” hit the grasslands extremely hard. The main regions it affected were Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. The northern parts weren’t affected quite like the south, but they did have to witness drought, windblown dust, and agricultural decline. The drought years were joined by unbearable kinds of weather. As each day would approach, you would wonder what kinds of weather you’d have to survive for that day.

In 14 the storms seemed to be fewer and fewer but it was the year the Dust Bowl became nationally noticed. In May of that year, a severe storm blew dirt from Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas all the way to New York City and Washington DC Even though the horrible storm in May, that year was enjoyable despite from the blowing dirt and tornadoes of the earlier years. But something else seemed to have happened, the year was extremely hot. Before the year had ended hundreds of people in Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas had died from too much heat.

After this storm ending, another one and another one followed. On Sunday April 14, 15, the sun rose in a beautiful clear blue sky. The day was turning out to be a warm and lovely, with calm breezes and sunshine. A sixty-mile shattered that day an hour cloud. That day was remembered as �Black Sunday.” After that horrible day in 15, the following year the number of dirt storms rose and the temperature soared above 10 degrees. The storms were so powerful that it made it hard for the farmers to keep re-growing it year after year.

One of the biggest declines in the world was agricultural. Wheat was what the world needed and they were paying top dollar for it. Wheat supply forced the price down from sixty-eight cents a bushel in 10 to twenty-five cents a bushel in 11. An outrageous amount of farmers went broke and the others left their fields. The ones, who stayed with their land, tried other alternative ways to survive. They used older methods that were passed down which in the end, most of them failed. They attempted one last alternative that they thought might work. They dug up soap weed that was chopped in a mill or by hand and was fed to the stock. It was backbreaking, but they had to keep on trying. This was the one method that worked. It helped the people make it through the tough times. They made it because they knew how to take the everyday things that had been used for years and years, and used them at their advantage. Finding a way to live with things or do without was a way these people had to adapt.

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The great depression was a time of a lot of misfortunes. The Dust Bowl was one of the biggest. So many people had to try and survive through droughts, dust storms, agricultural decline, and so many other types of weather. Most of them stuck with their lives and didn’t want to leave their whole life behind them, so they used other methods and one of them happened to help them make it. Each and everyday you wouldn’t know what kinds of weather to expect. They had to live day by day and try to keep calm for what was coming their way.

Mind that the sample papers like dust bowl presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Consumer Society

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like The Consumer Society even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like The Consumer Society in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The Consumer Society

I’m a barbie girl, in a barbie world.

Life in plastic, it’s fantastic.

You can brush my hair and undress me everywhere.

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Imagination, life is your creation!

We all want this, we all want that...give me, give me, give me!

This is our problem. We have lost the ability to sacrifice, the ability to discipline our money and ourselves.

Well, I have bad news; it is not going to get any easier. New products arrive every day, new fads, and new places to entertain us.

When my parents were children their idea of entertainment was a day out on a country drive, a picnic or just kicking a ball around a park with the other children. Ha! Life now just isn’t as simple as that.

We want computer games, wide screen TV’s, DVD players, surround sound, expensive restaurants, cinema, mobile phones and it does not stop.

We want every new gadget that comes out and we want it so much that we convince ourselves that we need it. We actually end up believing that the newest edition of a Nokia mobile phone is one of our basic human needs.

But why do we end up purchasing all these gadgets? Why are we always broke? What kind of society is this?

Just by looking at the word “consumer society” we should be able to create a picture, in our mind, of what it is.

A consumer society is, among other, a society built upon choices. We choose and make decisions from we wake up until we go to sleep at night.

Do we really need that expensive shampoo, with the beautiful super model on the cover, or can we buy a plain and cheaper one? Should we eat ordinary cornflakes or does it have be Kellogg’s Cornflakes because the commercial tells us it is crunchier!

We are constantly bombarded by powerful advertising. On TV, on radio, in the newspaper, on the Internet, on flyers, almost everywhere we look there are advertisements. We are encouraged to consume, consume, consume. Therefore we also receive a lot of strong messages. Girls, who play with dolls, get the message that looking like a Barbie doll is ideal. While in truth there are probably only 8 women out of billion, who look that way.

There is enough for everybody’s need but not everybody’s greed.


How do our false needs affect the poor inhabitants of our world?

The quote by Ghandi clearly speaks for itself.

If only we did not want all these luxury items and could just settle with plainer ones. An item that could serve its purpose without the need for extra, useless gadgets. If only we, as people of the consumer society, did not buy pairs of trainers when all we need is a pair at a time. Then there wouldn’t be such a high demand. Companies, such as Nike and Adidas, are known to exploit by cheaper and often illegal labour in poorer countries. These companies continue to do this in order to feed the demand from Europe and America in as cheap and cost effective a manner as possible.

To think that we, the consumer society, actually don’t know what “real needs” are. I don’t think a lot of us have ever experienced actual hunger. It is a real need that we do not know. We always have food. We may see a lovely chocolate bar. Our stomach starts to rumble, because the chocolate looks delicious. We are hungry. No. We are not really hungry. We are just used to eating when we feel like it. We eat for fun! The poorer people in society they eat when they can afford it. There is the difference.

Is there a perfect solution? I cannot answer the question because if we do not buy then our economy would go down the drain and people in third world countries would be out of a job. On the contrary if we buy too much then we create false needs. We make the undesirable suddenly become desirable!

I wish that we could end the consumer society but I do not see it coming to an end soon. The media rules our lives. With media comes the commercials and brainwashing. People no longer reuse, repair and recycle. They simply break, bin and buy (over and over again).

Personally I blame the media. In the old days life was simpler. We did not have all these needs because we were not confronted with “false” needs all the time.

The solution is therefore to ban advertisement! Then we will not have false needs and the world will be more balanced.

Right, I’ve finished this essay now so I think I’ll go down to the football court and see my friends. I can break in my new trainers and show them my AGF shirt. It cost me 500 Kr! Hang on� I’d better not forget my new mobile. Oh wait!

Since I’m using the computer then I’d better check my e-mail, and maybe I can also buy that new “thingamabob” they showed me on TV today.

Mind that the sample papers like The Consumer Society presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

three x games

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like three x games even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like three x games in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

My three sports are BMX, Inline skating, and the Luge.

BMX bicycle racing was created during the 70’s. A few kids were riding and jumping their bicycles around, imitating there motorcycle racing heroes. Tracks today have many obstacles, which distribute throughout a smooth dirt course. The bicycles are high tech and more advance then back then. They are created from aluminum, titanium, and even carbon fiber to make them lighter and faster. There are nation wide races of this sport today in the United States. To get started in this sport you need a bicycle and a track. To make your ride safe make sure the bolts are tight, reflectors and kickstand must also be removed. Three locations where pads should be placed in your bicycle are in the crossbar of your handlebars, in the handlebar stem, and on the top tube of your frame. You also need a numberplate. Equipment includes a long sleeve shirt, long pants, a helmet, and tennis shoes. The one who finishes first wins.

Inline Skating was created out of frustration. When an ice skater had no ice to skate in. They don’t really know who or where it was attempted, but they say around northern Europe.

The first documented inventor of roller skate was John Joseph Merlin. He said they would run on small metallic wheels. Today this sport continues to grow. Some say it benefits in health because it can burns as much calories as running. Some like the competitive sides to it whether it is in hockey, race or artistic events. One thing all inline skaters agree in is the thrill of having wheels on their feet, freedom of movement, expression and speed . Rules are wearing protective gear like helmet, wrist protection, elbow pads, and kneepads. Learn to stop and turn as well. Be alert at all time and obey traffic regulations.

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Luge is French for shield. It is said to be it may have started around 800 AD. It is one of the oldest winter games. This sport began Switzerland and European. United States found the interest in 17. In the Olympic men and women are separated when competiting in the singles. It takes two day racing twice a day. The team with the lowest time wins. They start in a sitting position and push off from two handles. The time starts after they cross an electronic line. A sled must weigh no more than 50 pounds. Equipment you need is a helmet, face shield, which protects your face, neck strap, to be able to keep your head up, booties, which are your shoes, racing suit, which provides speed, comfort, and warmth, a sled, and a weight vest for those that don’t meet the standard weight.

Mind that the sample papers like three x games presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!